Education and Technology

NET*S Standards

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Standard II
Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences

Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. Teachers:
  1. design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.
  2. apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences.
  3. identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.
  4. plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities.
  5. plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment.

                                                                                                          Group # 3

                                                 Criteria for online game

Title: Math Invaders Game


Subject: Math

Age: Elem. (K-3)

Instructions: Circle the best rating for each question. (3=highest rating)


  1. Website loading.

          3.  The website loads quickly.

          2.  The website is loading, but is taking a while.

          1.  The website is not loading at all.


    2.  Website graphics and presentation.

          3.  Very colorful and entertaining.

          2.  Somewhat entertaining.

          1.  Dull and boring.


    3.  Website sound effects .

          3.  Users are given options to turn on or off the sounds.

          2.  Website sound effects are okay.

          1.  Sounds are annoying and loud.


    4.  Website advertisement features.

          3.  Website offers blocks on pop-ups.

          2.  Website has some control of pop-ups.

          1.  Website has no control over pop-ups.


    5.  Website Educational value.

         3.  Website games are very educational.

         2.  Website games are somehow educatonal.

         1.  Website games have no educational value.


    6.  Website games Level appropriateness.

         3.  Website offers all levels appropriate for all ages.

         2.  Website offers some levels appropriate for all ages.

         1.  Website does not offer different levels appropriate for all ages.


     7.  Website games mechanics.

          3.  The instructions were easy to follow.

          2.  The instructions were not that clear.

          1.  There is no instructions on how to play the game.


     8. Website assistance attributes.

          3.  The website offered a variety of other websites that are compatible.

          2.  The website offered only one other website that is compatible.

          1.  The website did not offer any other compatible websites.


     9.  Motivational aspect of the games.

          3.  The games are motivational for children.

          2.  The games are somehow motivational.

          1.  The games is totally boring for children.


    10.  Teamwork Building.

           3.  The games promote teamwork building among children.

           2.  The games promote teamwork on some aspect, but not all.

           1.  The games promote individual work only.


Scoring scale:


Outstanding:                 21 - 30

Satisfactory:                   11 - 20

Needs Improvement:    1 - 10


The website offers option on musical background, so if you want to play games and would like some music on, you can just click on the option.  However, if you are the type of users who would like to play the games quietly, then you just have to click the option and turn off the background music.  Another feature of the website that is useful is the website assistance, it provides help through providing free worksheets and calculators to use during the session.  For teachers,  the website also offers lesson plan samples that can help them in making their own lesson plans.  Children are also protected from inappropriate advertisements since the website offers a advertisement option.  Parents can turn off the advertisement option before letting their children play with the games. The website also allows error to be reported to them, so if the users find any error, they can click the button and report the problem.  The website offers educational games that would be entertaining for children, since they design the activities into battle games etc.  Overall, our group give the game a grade of satisfactory with 20 total points.



The website is fine only that it does not give clear instructions on how to do the activities.  Also, the calculator provided is not really a good idea since it does not encourage children to use their minds to do the thinking and calculating.  The website calculator makes children lazy in doing the activities on their own.  Why do they have to go through the hassles of using formulas and all if they can just click the calculators to give them answers.  The games do not provide different levels for users to choose from, so you will get bored in doing the same thing over and over again.  The website also does not give feedbacks on the performance of the users, so how would the users know if they are doing good or needs improvement on their performances.

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