Education and Technology

NET*S Standards

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Standard III
Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum

Teachers implement curriculum plans, that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. Teachers:
  1. facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.
  2. use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.
  3. apply technology to develop students' higher order skills and creativity.
  4. manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.

Reflection Paper # 2 -  Lesson on the Web

As future teachers, we have to be resourceful in finding ways to make our lessons appealing to the students.  We have to explore for various tools and methods, which are useful in making our lesson plans more effective.  In creating the second lesson plan, I was able to enhance my knowledge in creating a lesson plan that incorporates the use of technology, I was able to incorporate also the NETS*T standards in my lesson, and I was also able to examine my own strengths and weaknesses in creating lesson plans.

I was able to enhance my knowledge in creating lesson plans that incorporates technology into the lesson.  There are lots of technology tools that can be used in creating lesson plans such as the computer and the internet.  In this particular lesson, I gave my instruction and explain the activity that my students are required to do in a website.  I also used the website to provide students with other resources in doing their lesson such as providing them website addresses to check sample works.  It never occur to me that lessons can be conducted in this manner, which is more enticing for students to do since they are encourage to be creative and resourceful.

I was able to incorporate NETS*T standards in my lesson by addressing NETS*t standard number three, which is, “Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning” (404).  In requiring students to use the computer and the internet to perform the lessons, we are encouraging them to explore the use of technology tools in the lessons. Students’ creativeness and resourcefulness improve as they perform activities that involve the use of various technology tools. 

 I was also able to examine my own strengths and weaknesses in creating lesson plans.  The good part about doing this assignment is that you discover both your strengths and weaknesses.  I realized that patience is a big factor in using technology in a lesson.  I learned that I can also be creative and artistic because I was able to create my own webpage.  With enough time and determination, we can create a lesson plan that incorporates technology in the lesson and that is totally different from the typical lesson plans teachers used.  When I did this assignment, I discovered that I easily get discouraged if the tools I used do not work well in my lesson.  I get frustrated, and I easily give up and stop working on it, but as I familiarize my self with each tool that I used, I become more aggressive and determined to improve my lesson plan.  This lesson plan is quite different from the previous one since it requires both students and teachers to use technology both in delivering the lesson to the students and for the students to do the lesson using technology as well.  This lesson takes more time to do since more than one tool is being used.  It helps both teachers and students to be more aggressive in suing technology in the teaching and learning process.

After doing this assignment, I was able to enhance my knowledge in creating a lesson plan that incorporates the use of technology, I was able to incorporate also the NETS*T standards in my lesson, and I was also able to examine my own strengths and weaknesses in creating lesson plans.  The idea of putting the lesson on the web is a good idea because it encourages students to show their best and share their skills in using technology in a lesson.  This is only one way of incorporating technology in the lesson.  There are many ways to enhance lesson plans with the use of technology tools.  With technology becoming more advance and well-used, we have to be moving with it.


Google Webpages

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